Who Is Waiting To Hear From You?


teenager waitingYou never know who is waiting for you to share the gospel with them.

Last month, I attended a Super Bowl fellowship with my son, Evan, at First Baptist Church in Mount Vernon. My friend, Jesse Wright (who grew up in my student ministry years ago), serves as the student pastor there. Let me just say that I’m very grateful for FBC Mount Vernon for graciously allowing me to have my ministry office there (thank you so much)!

While eating some Super Bowl-caliber party food, I was watching the game in the youth room and overheard an interesting conversation. One of the students was talking about a classmate who randomly messaged him about wanting to come to watch the Super Bowl at the church. The student showed up a few minutes later and sat down right next to me. Immediately, I sensed the Spirit of God saying to me, “Talk to him about Jesus.”

To be totally honest, my flesh really started fighting it. I was tired and my mind was on the big game, not the Great Commission. Sad to say, I almost talked myself out of it. Almost. I casually started up a conversation with the high school student and led into spiritual things over time. Eventually, he made it clear that he had never made a decision to trust Christ for salvation. I strategically carried on the conversation with him throughout the entire game while praying for God to move on his heart and guide me.

“He was just waiting for someone to tell him about Jesus”

After the game, I asked if he could step into my office for just a moment (to get away from the crowd). There I got to share with him how Jesus loves him and paid the price for his sin by dying on the cross and rising again. I told him that he could receive the free and full gift of salvation by putting his trust in Christ alone.

When I asked him if that was something he wanted to do right now he answered with excitement and assurance, “yes sir!”

And right there, on Super Bowl Sunday, he received the greatest victory of all time as he called on the name of Jesus for salvation!

My team didn’t win that night, but a 10th grader from Rockcastle County did. To think that I almost talked myself out of sharing because I didn’t feel like it breaks my heart. That young man came there that night looking for something, not even really knowing yet what it was. God was drawing him, and he was just waiting for someone to tell him about Jesus.

Lord forgive me for the times when I have talked myself out of it! May I never pass up the opportunity to share the Good News with anyone. Yes, people are out there hopeless and hurting, looking for the answer that we know to be Jesus. They are waiting for us to tell them. Who might be waiting to hear about Jesus from you? 

Jon Burdette